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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi
444 5 388

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The effect of doping different amounts of boron on the corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of TiO2 nanotubes synthesized on SLM Ti6Al4V samples , ACAR MUHAMMET TAHA,ÇOMAKLI ONUR,YAZICI MUSTAFA,ARSLAN MEHMET ENES,YETİM ALİ FATİH,ÇELİK AYHAN, Yayın Yeri:Surfaces and Interfaces ,2024, , 2024
The effect of different annealing temperatures on the mechanical and tribological properties of the Ti2AlN MAX phase films , ÇAKIR MUHAMMET, ÇİÇEK HİKMET, DURAN SEMİH, YILMAZ Ahmet Melik, GÜLTEN GÖKHAN, EFEOĞLU İHSAN, Yayın Yeri:Surface Engineering ,2024, , 2024
Pulsed-dc bias magnetron sputtered TiB2 ceramic coating , BÜLBÜL FERHAT, EFEOĞLU İHSAN, Yayın Yeri:International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials Available ,2024, , 2024
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ETÜ Asistan Snow