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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

2023-2024 Academic Award Ceremony

2023-2024 Academic Dress and Award Ceremony was held at Prof. Dr. Muammer Yaylalı Conference Hall with the participation of our Rector Prof. Dr. Bülent Çakmak, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Ali Fatih Yetim, Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan Elmalı, Secretary General Assoc. Dr. Ahmet Dumlu, academics and administrative staff.

Academics who were entitled to receive awards in the categories of citation, publication, science, project, achievement, publication in the journal with the highest impact factor, educator of the year, young researcher received their awards from Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan Elmalı.

We congratulate all our academics and wish them continued success.


ETÜ Asistan Snow