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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Support from TÜBİTAK to ETÜ's Project

Lecturer, one of the faculty members of Erzurum Technical University (ETÜ) Kristal Entrepreneurship Center. See. The project titled "New Generation Energy Absorbing Buffer for Truck Trailers", led by İbrahim Semih Topcuoğlu, was entitled to receive support within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1005-National New Ideas and Products Research Support Program.

The project will be carried out within the framework of university-industry cooperation with Tşırn Trailer, one of the largest trailer manufacturers in our country and Europe.

Making statements about the developed project, Lecturer. See. Topçuoğlu stated that accidents that occur in the form of hitting the trailer from behind cause loss of life and property: “This type of accident, which frequently occurs in our country and abroad, causes great losses. In order to prevent this problem, we developed a new generation energy absorbing trailer bumper. The accident tests and analysis activities of the new generation bumper, which is the subject of the project, will be carried out by Turken Trailer company. "We aim to minimize damage and losses in accidents that may occur after the R&D activities of the bumper are completed and used in trailers," he said.

Corporate Communications and Promotion Directorate 20.02.2024


ETÜ Asistan Snow