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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Rector Cakmak attended the Opening Programme of Science Turkey organised by T3 Foundation

Erzurum Technical University (ETU) Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak attended the opening ceremony of the instructor camp to be held in Erzurum within the scope of the Science Turkey Program implemented by the T3 Foundation. 
In addition to Rector Bulent Cakmak, Erzurum Governor Mustafa Ciftci, Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mehmet Sekmen, Ataturk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımuftuoglu, T3 Foundation President Elvan Kuzucu Hıdır and many guests attended the opening ceremony of the instructor camp to be held in Erzurum between September 11-13.

In the camp, which will be held with the participation of 125 instructors and 25 center managers from 25 centers, various trainings in the fields of Educational Sciences, Natur Sciences, astronomy, mathematics, design, entrepreneurship and agriculture will be held practically in a workshop environment. Speaking at the program, Rector Cakmak drew attention to the importance of T3 Foundation's activities: "We see very clearly how beneficial such programs are for our country in TEKNOFEST competitions, which have continued with increasing momentum in recent years. As Mr. Selcuk Bayraktar stated, there is now a bottom wave and this wave is growing and rising. As ETU, we endeavor to contribute to these processes. In our MUCITPARK Science and Idea Workshop, we implement many different programs in 15 different workshops for all our young people from primary school to senior high school. We are very pleased with the intense interest of our young people and their families in these programs. We have transformed MUCITPARK, which was a coordinator until now, into a STEM Center. In the coming period, we will include R&D activities as well as our training programs. On this occasion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the T3 Foundation for implementing such an important program and the Mayor of Metropolitan Municipality Mehmet Sekmen for hosting the program."

Corporate Communication, 11.09.2024


ETÜ Asistan Snow