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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Support from British Council to ETU's Project

Erzurum Technical University (ETU) Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Civil Engineering faculty member Prof. Dr. Fatih Tosunoglu and Bath University faculty member Dr. Thomas Kjeldsen have been granted support for their project application titled “Developing rainfall frequency models for critical infrastructure design in a changing environment (RainChange)” to the British Council within the scope of the “International Science Partnerships Fund-Research Collaborations Grant” in the Turkey-United Kingdom partnership.

As part of the “RainChange” project, one of the 10 projects supported out of 130 research projects submitted to the British Council, scientists at Bath University and Erzurum Technical University in England will develop new and more advanced extreme rainfall models using machine learning to fully understand the risks that future floods may pose.

The new models to be developed will help Turkey’s hydrologists, builders and planners prepare for possible future extreme rainfall and design infrastructure reliably. The research team, funded by the British Council, aims to integrate the findings into future planning guidelines (urban infrastructure design, flood hydrology design, etc.). In this context, the project will last for 2 years and have a total budget of £96,000.

Project manager Prof. Fatih TOSUNOĞLU expressed his great pleasure in leading such an exciting research in collaboration with Erzurum Technical University and Bath University, and stated that the research in question will play an important role in solving global problems and strengthening UK-Turkey scientific cooperation.

For detailed information about the project; 

Corporate Communications Directorate, 06.11.2024


ETÜ Asistan Snow