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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

ETU National Wrestler Returned from the Turkish Wrestling Championship with a Silver Medal

Seyma Duztas, a student at the Erzurum Technical University (ETU) Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Coach Education, won the Silver medal in the Turkish Individual Boxing Championship.

Competing in the +81 kg category, ETU’s Seyma Duztas won the silver medal by coming second in Turkey at the Turkey Individual Boxing Championship, which was held in Kocaeli Darıca between January 20-26 with the participation of 130 athletes from 39 cities.

Making a statement after the medal ceremony, Duztas stated that he was very happy and that he wanted to represent our country and ETÜ in the best way possible in international competitions.

Corporate Communications Directorate 28.01.2025


ETÜ Asistan Snow