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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

ETU Students Embrace Children in the Earthquake Zone

The Ombudsman Society of Erzurum Technical University (ETU) student clubs organized a morale event on February 6th for the earthquake-stricken children living in the container city in Kahramanmarash, which was hurted by the disaster of the century.

The ETU Ombudsman Society and a group of volunteer students went to the Baykar Container City in Dulkadiroglu district of Kahramanmarash to support the earthquake-affected children. They organized various activities to make the children happy.

From face painting to hand printing, jumping rope to football, the children participated in many activities and had fun to their hearts' content. They also watched plays staged by the Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality's Department of Culture and Social Affairs City Theater team.

Expressing that the event was organized to make the children happy, Academic Advisor of the Ombudsman Society, Research Assistant Muhammed Asım Kantar stated: "We tried to provide all the support we could with our students during the time of the disaster. Today, we wanted to come together with our brothers and sisters, embrace them, and leave a smile on their faces. We laughed, sang, and had fun together. Before parting ways, we gave gifts to our siblings as a memory of the day. I would like to thank our Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak, as well as the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and everyone who contributed in this process for providing us with all kinds of support."

Corporate Communication Directorate, 29.05.2024


ETÜ Asistan Snow