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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Gaza's Past and Future Discussed at ETU

A panel titled "Gaza: From the Past to the Future" was organized by Erzurum Technical University (ETU) Economic and Social Research Application and Research Center (ESAM).

Held at the Prof. Dr. Muammer Yaylalı Conference Hall to discuss the historical and contemporary events in Gaza, the panel was attended by ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Ali Fatih Yetim and Prof. Dr. Naim Urkmez, Deans, Institute Directors, Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Culture and Social Affairs Department Head Ergun Engin, academics, and numerous students.

The panel commenced with a moment of silence and the national anthem. In his opening speech, Rector Cakmak highlighted the global silence regarding issues affecting Muslims, stating: "This gathering represents a light illuminating the darkness. As Muslims, our duty is to increase acts of goodness. The more we spread kindness, the more we will diminish the evil present in the world. I believe that today's meeting is part of this movement to proliferate goodness. In this regard, I extend my gratitude to ESAM for leading this initiative and hope that the panel will be productive."

Following Rector Cakmak, ESAM Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kubranur Cebi Karaaslan emphasized the historical and moral responsibility of supporting the Palestinian people, remarking: "We firmly believe such events will raise awareness, strengthen the cause of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, and ensure that their struggle is not forgotten. Raising our voice against oppression and standing with the oppressed is one of our fundamental duties because silence does not lead to a just world—action does. Today, we aim to create an essential foundation for understanding Gaza's past, assessing its current situation, and envisioning hopeful future scenarios. To achieve this, experts will share valuable insights on Gaza’s history, current conditions, and regional political dynamics. Together, learning from the past, accurately interpreting the present, and looking hopefully toward the future, we must develop solutions that will change Gaza's tomorrow because strength arises from unity. The flutter of a butterfly's wings can cause storms at the far end of the world. Here we are at that very flutter, knowing small steps herald significant changes."

The program continued with presentations: Dr. Okan Acıl shared insights on Gaza’s historical background; Assistant Prof. Halil Pece addressed the Palestine-Israel conflict in the context of international law, while Assistant Prof. Mehmet Rakipoglu informed participants about the events of October 7, 2023, and subsequent developments.

The engaging session concluded with a Q&A period, after which panelists, audience members, and guests came together for an iftar meal.

Corporate Communication Directorate, 20.03.2025


ETÜ Asistan Snow