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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Birth and Death of the Universe Discussed at ETU

Erzurum Technical University (ETU) held a conference titled "The Birth and Death of the Universe".

A conference titled "The Birth and Death of the Universe" was held in the Conference Hall of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture within the scope of the cooperation protocol signed between ETU and Plan-S Satellite and Space Technologies Inc. in 2022.

The program, which attracted great interest, was attended by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Naim Ürkmez, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Prof. Dr. Murat Demir Aydın, Dean of the Faculty of Sports Sciences Prof. Dr. Birol Soysal, academicians and many students from ETU and Atatürk University.

Addressing the audience in the program, Plan-S Deputy General Manager Responsible for Scientific Studies Dr. Umut Yıldız provided information about remarkable topics such as the formation of the universe, dark matter, dark energy, the expansion of the universe and the end of the universe and answered students' questions.


ETÜ Asistan Snow