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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Students from ETU and Nakhchivan State University participated in a competition to develop innovative solutions in the field of agriculture.

Erzurum Technical University (ETU) and Nakhchivan State University, in collaboration with Big A Digital Transformation Company and Productive Academy, organised the closing event of the TechTarThon Hackathon (Idea Marathon) Programme.

The event's closing program, which brought together young people's agricultural activities with technology and encouraged them to create innovative solution proposals in this field, took place online. During the program, ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak, Nakhchivan State University Rector Prof. Dr. Elbrus Isayev, Big A Director Assoc. Dr. Ahmet Ilker Akbaba, and Assistant Coordinator of Kristal Entrepreneurship Centre Research Assistant Gurkan Kalnay were among the students.

239 applications in sustainable agriculture, smart agriculture, water management, renewable energy, agricultural biotechnology, and global food security participated in the idea marathon, with 23 from Turkey and 7 from Azerbaijan successfully advancing to the semi-finals. The jury's evaluations led to the advancement of 10 projects to the final, and the closing program announced the winners.

Speaking at the program, Rector Cakmak stated that one of the key problems of the future is the issue of food, saying: "With the decrease in agricultural lands, the use of technology in agriculture has become critical." The new solution proposals that will emerge from our youth in this idea marathon will pave the way for digitalization in agriculture in the future and will make significant contributions to the self-sufficiency of the two countries. I congratulate all the students who participated in the competition and thank everyone involved in organising the programme."

Directorate of Corporate Communication,  May 21, 2024.


ETÜ Asistan Snow