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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

ETU and Ataturk University Come Together for Modern Agriculture

An agricultural cooperation protocol was signed between Erzurum Technical University (ETU) and Ataturk University.

Within the scope of the protocol signed between ETU and Ataturk University in partnership for the practical application of modern agricultural techniques, agricultural production, demonstration, research, and academic studies will be carried out on ETU land.

With the protocol, which allows the use of hardware facilities owned by both universities, undergraduate and graduate students will be able to carry out R&D, thesis and internship studies in addition to modern agricultural activities.

Evaluating the protocol, ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak drew attention to the increasing importance of agriculture and said: “Recently, important studies supported by TUBITAK have been carried out at our university for sustainable agricultural activities. With the protocol we signed with Ataturk University, we will further expand the scope of these studies and contribute to our country achieving its goals in the field of agriculture.”

Rector of Ataturk University, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımuftuglu, stated that the cooperation will strengthen the solidarity between universities and contribute to regional development goals.

Corporate Communications Directorate, 07.01.2025


ETÜ Asistan Snow