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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

ETU Sports Club Succeeded in Becoming Number 1 in Women's Volleyball Championship

Erzurum Technical University (ETU) Sports Club won the gold medal in the Erzurum Women's Volleyball Championship.

The ETU Sports Club Women's Volleyball Team, which defeated all its opponents in the championship held between 27.02.2025 and 04.03.2025 at Erzurum Recep Tayyip Erdogan Sports Hall, won the first-place cup.

Rector Bulent Cakmak and the ETU delegation, who followed the final match on site, congratulated the athletes after the victory and presented them with their cups. Rector Cakmak, who stated that ETU Sports Club has achieved great success in a short time, thanked Av. Ebubekir Elmalı, who sponsored the club and the athletes.


Corporate Communications and Promotion Directorate, 06.03.2025


ETÜ Asistan Snow