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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Eight Projects Developed by ETU Student Communities Supported by UNIDES

Eight projects prepared by student communities at Erzurum Technical University (ETU) have qualified for support from the University Student Communities Cooperation and Support Program (UNIDES).

Under the UNIDES program, initiated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to facilitate the implementation of student community projects, provide support in youth-intensive areas, and ensure the effective and efficient utilization of youth offices affiliated with youth centers, eight projects developed by ETU students have received support.

Commenting on the matter, ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak highlighted the significant opportunity provided by the UNIDES program for university students: "We have always emphasized the importance of collaborative work and project culture. Our university has made considerable progress in this area, particularly recently. Numerous national and international projects by our academics have received support from prominent institutions and organizations. We extend the same sensitivity to our students. We have nearly 50 active student communities at our university and encourage our students to become members of these groups. Through these communities, students not only enjoy their time and form new friendships but also adopt a culture of collaborative work and project management. The outcomes of the 3rd period of UNIDES further confirm this, with eight projects from our student communities accepted. I firmly believe this number will increase in the future. I sincerely congratulate our students and wish them continued success."

ETU’s student communities and their projects, which collectively secured support totaling 600,000 TL, are as follows:

Search and Rescue Community: “Community-Based Disaster Management Training”

Ecology and Climate Community: “National Science High Schools Symposium: The Future in the Light of Science”

Young Green Crescent Club: “Let Addiction Fade, Let the Future Bloom”

Psychology Club: “The Light of the Future: National Psychology Summit on Children and Adolescents”

Genactual Club: “2nd National Molecular Biology and Genetics Student Congress”

Career Club: “ETU Career Summit”

Karpam Radio Club: “Leaders of the Future: Science, Sports, and Technology Meetings”

Youth English Club: “Winter Tourism 101: Erzurum”

Corporate Communication Directorate, 19.03.2025


ETÜ Asistan Snow