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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

ETU is ready to establish a National Technology Makerspace

In line with the goals of the National Technology move, TUBITAK, the Head of Science and Society of the National Technology Workshops, which is planned to be opened in 81 provinces of Turkey, Omer Kokcam, Rector of Erzurum Technical University (ETU). Dr. Bulent Cakmak visited.

Expressing his satisfaction with the visit, Rector Cakmak exchanged ideas about the application made to establish the National Technology Workshop within the Crystal Entrepreneurship Center with his guest.

Afterwards, the duo later made thinkers in the physical field planned to be allocated as a workshop within the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. As a result of the evaluations, the area is suitable for the National Technology Workshop and the current physical infrastructure is sufficient in this scope said.

Stating that the process will be supported in relation to the National Technology Workshop planned to be established in ETU, Kokcam said that this initiative will offer a great opportunity for students and academics to carry out more effective studies in the field of domestic and national technology production.

Rector Cakmak, with the implementation of the National Technology Workshop project, both Erzurum and the region, they want to lead the innovative projects that they want to lead, they will continue to support all kinds of initiatives to contribute to the development of domestic and national technologies, he said.

Corporate Communication Directorate, 25.02.2025


ETÜ Asistan Snow