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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

The Project Developed in ETU Laboratories Was Supported by TÜBİTAK

The project titled “Effect of Galvanization Methods on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance in Steel Elements”, conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahyar Maali, Faculty Member of Civil Engineering Department of Engineering and Architecture of Erzurum Technical University (ETU), has been awarded support for 4 months within the scope of TUBITAK 1002 Rapid Support Program.

Prof. Dr. Merve Maali from ETU Civil Engineering Department and Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Cuneyt Aydın from Ataturk University Civil Engineering Department are working as researchers in the project, while Yasin Tizi, PhD student from ETU Civil Engineering Department, is participating as a scholarship holder.

Sharing the details of the developed project, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahyar Maali stated that steel profiles are widely used in the construction sector today and said: “During the dip galvanizing process applied to protect these elements against corrosion, steel reaches high temperatures. This situation can have negative effects on the mechanical properties of steel. "It is not yet clear whether strength losses occur due to high temperatures and how important these losses are in terms of engineering. We aim to clarify this situation with the project we have developed," he said.

Corporate Communications Directorate, 28.02.2025


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