Many projects of Erzurum Technical University, which continues its scientific activities without slowing down in the new year, were supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) in 2024.
Continuing its activities with the aim of increasing our country's competitive power in science and technology in the international arena, TUBITAK provided support to 28 projects signed by ETU academics in 2024. The projects developed in many fields from health to engineering, literature to history, genetics to basic sciences will continue with the aim of contributing to our country's domestic and national technology initiative.
In addition to the projects it has implemented, ETU also attaches great importance to national and international academic collaborations, university-industry partnerships, patent and utility model development studies. As a matter of fact, the inventions obtained as a result of academic studies in 2024 were finalized as 3 patents and 1 utility model and registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.
Evaluating the successful results obtained, ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak drew attention to the fact that TUBITAK is one of the locomotive institutions of Turkey in the field of science and technology and said: “With our qualified academic staff and advanced infrastructure facilities, we continue to produce projects that will provide added value to our country. Since the period we took office, we have been continuing our efforts to spread the project culture in our university. The announced data is a concrete indicator of how much we have improved ourselves in this regard. As a matter of fact, at this point, we see that not only our professors but also our students play an active role in project development processes. We completed 2024 with an increase of approximately 50 percent compared to 2023. During this process, we presented 59 projects and 28 of our projects were supported. The fact that the developed projects are supported by TUBITAK also reveals how qualified they are. In addition, 3 of our patents and 1 utility model were registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. We will continue to contribute to the world of science with determination in 2025.”
Corporate Communications Directorate, 13.02.2025