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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Erzurum Technical University Progresses Towards a Green Campus with the "Zero Waste Project

Erzurum Technical University Progresses Towards a Green Campus with the "Zero Waste Project

Erzurum Technical University (ETU) is making significant strides under the "Zero Waste Project" initiated by the Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change. Aiming to create a sustainable, green, and climate-friendly campus, various initiatives are being carried out under the ETU Sustainability and Zero Waste Coordination Office. As part of these efforts, to raise environmental awareness, World Environment Day on June 5th and Turkey Environment Week are celebrated each year with various events. This year, as part of Turkey Environment Week, a Sustainability and Zero Waste Training was organized at ETÜ for a climate-friendly campus. The event started on Friday, May 31st, with a training session given by Assoc. Prof. Nihal Gordes Aydogdu in the Faculty of Health Sciences Conference Hall. Experts from the Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality's Climate Change and Zero Waste Department also shared information with students about waste management and sustainability. On Wednesday, June 5th, an event was held on the university campus to plant saplings, emphasizing environmental awareness. On Thursday, June 6th, experts from the Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality and Assoc. Prof. Nihal Gordes Aydogdu conducted training for ETÜ staff. This training, attended by Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak, Mucahid Haksever from the Metropolitan Municipality Climate Change and Zero Waste Department, and Bahar Gurbuz from the Zero Waste team, aimed to increase the knowledge and awareness of university staff regarding sustainability. With these events, ETÜ aims to raise awareness across the university, ensure waste management in all units and faculties, collaborate with student clubs, and promote sustainability awareness in the community.

Corporate Communications Directorate, 07.06.2024


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