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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Erzurum Technical University Hosted the Simultaneous ICBES and ICHER Symposiums

Erzurum Technical University hosted the 9th International Conference on Business and Economic Studies (ICBES) and the 9th International Conference on Humanities and Educational Research (ICHER), held from October 17-19, 2024. The symposiums were conducted simultaneously in both online and in-person formats, with the opening ceremony taking place at the ETU Muammer Yaylalı Conference Hall.

In his opening speech, ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak emphasized the impact of rapid technological changes on the social sciences and highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. The ICHER opening address was delivered by Prof. Dr. Murat Kacıroglu from the Department of Turkish Language and Literature in the Faculty of Letters, with a presentation titled "The Grandeur of Primitivism." Meanwhile, the ICBES opening speech was given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Kaplan from the Department of Economics in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, with a talk titled "The Importance of Circular Economy in the Transition from Industrial Society to Ecological Society."

Throughout the symposiums, 119 scholars from various disciplines such as economics, business, sociology, literature, history, and education presented 85 papers in sessions held at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the Faculty of Letters. A total of 20 sessions were held, with events also available for online participation.

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ETÜ Asistan Snow