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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

The Winners of STEM Days Revealed

The award ceremony for the students that succeeded in the 2nd STEM Days was conducted at the MUCITPARK Science and Idea Workshop at Erzurum Technical University (ETU).
Distinguished guests including ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent Cakmak, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan Elmalı, Instructor Ali Necip Nursoy of MUCITPARK Science and Idea Workshop, as well as children, teachers, and parents were present at the occasion, which took place in the Faculty of Science Conference Hall.
With the goal of bringing attention to several scientific subjects, Rector Cakmak gave out awards to youngsters who had excelled in them. These sectors ranged from virtual reality (VR) from wood to robotic software to 3D modeling, video game development to humanoid robots, and autonomous device manufacture.
“Seeing the exciting work of young talents strengthens my hopes for the future even more,” Rector Cakmak said during his speech at the program, describing how the STEM Days unite students with science and technology. Involvement in scientific activities for the sake of learning and development should remain front and center for our youngsters. Our students have worked very hard under the direction of their teachers during the two-part event, completing each level with great success. The grit and maturity displayed by these rising stars are inspiring. We engaged with almost 30,000 attendees at our technology product booths and 8,345 individuals as practitioners during the public portion of our event. These numbers show how comprehensive and appealing our event is. My deepest congratulations go out to each and every one of our students, and I'd like to express my gratitude to our team for all they do in our annual effort to engage a wider audience with science.
Following the remarks, the teachers and Rector Cakmak gave out prizes to the students and snapped a group photo to remember the occasion.

Directorate of Corporate Communication, May 31, 2024


ETÜ Asistan Snow