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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi
444 5 388 - 2818

Welcome to the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department.

Molecular Biology and Genetics, which is one of the fastest growing branches of science in recent years, affects significantly sectors such as medicine, pharmacology, agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and environment in our country as well as in the world.In our university, we teach our students the bases of molecular biology in undergraduate and graduate laboratories with the latest technologies. With our young and dynamic faculty team, we prepare our students for the future in a more creative, energetic and determined manner.

The demand for graduates of the Molecular Biology and Genetics department is increasing rapidly throughout the world and in our country as a result of the developments in the scientific world. Our graduates will have the opportunity to complete their postgraduate education by participating in research groups at home and abroad and to have an academic career. Our graduates who do not think of an academic career will be able to work in the molecular based diagnostic laboratories of hospitals, IVF units, agricultural and veterinary fields, R&D units in the food and pharmaceutical industry, quality control and environmental protection units, GMO diagnostic laboratories and many other fields.

I sincerely believe that for students who will choose Erzurum Technical University Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, they will have enough knowledge to compete in the scientific world where competition is great and that our university will be a guide. I am sure that our university will be at the forefront of this competition and we will achieve this thanks to our graduates with sufficient scientific capabilities.

Head of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adem KARA

ETÜ Asistan Snow