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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

2023-2024 Academic Year Graduation Ceremony was Held. (01.06.2024)

Erzurum Technical University Faculty of Science 2023-2024 Academic Year Graduation Ceremony was held.

Rector Prof. attended the graduation ceremony held in our Faculty Conference Hall. Dr. Bülent Çakmak, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Fatih YETİM, Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan ELMALI, Dean of the Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Ümit İNCEKARA, academicians, students and families attended.

The program started with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem and continued with speeches.

Dean Prof. made the opening speech of the ceremony. Dr. İncekara reminded the importance of education and training in our history and the place of young people in this important position, and asked them to assume their own roles in this process. They stated that graduation should be the beginning for a student and that their forward-looking efforts should continue in order to reach better places and better positions.

Our Rector, Prof. Dr. Bület ÇAKMAK congratulated our graduating students and stated that ETÜ proudly bid farewell to its 9th term graduates this year: “You are successfully graduating from our university at the end of a difficult 4-year marathon. Therefore, first of all, I congratulate you. I congratulate your families and loved ones who have always been with you throughout this process, and our teachers for their efforts. Sadness is inevitable in the nature of every separation. However, we know that an Erzurum Technical University graduate, even if he is far away or many years have passed, is now an ETU student and has become an inseparable whole with his university. I would like to express this with peace of mind to our very valuable parents that, on this path that we set out with the slogan "Education begins with respect for the student", our primary duty is to raise well-equipped, principled and qualified individuals who will be beneficial to their family, country and all humanity. While practicing your profession, please strive to do your job in the best way possible. "Value people for who they are, use your position as a means to serve humanity, not for your own self, do your job properly, and be sought after, not seekers," he said.

The ceremony ended with the students giving their diplomas and then throwing their caps.


ETÜ Asistan Snow