Our Vision
Obtained through scientific research in the social sciences field to share data with the public; It succeeded in producing universal knowledge and values targeted undergraduate and graduate education perform. Education, training and having professional knowledge and maturity in research activities, the researchers, participants and geographical location should the region's collaborative science no people our of educating faculty Caucasus countries and to socialize with our neighbor, to embrace the cultural and educational partnerships, to undertake a strategic position and influence in this part of the axis qualified educate individuals intellectuals. develop a modern educational approach that blends the principles of the West and the East. gaining a position of authority in our country, it appeared to come to an important center of education and research point in the future.
Our Mission
In contemporary social sciences, researchers, dynamic, critical, with an unprejudiced approach to education to train scientists move will save the progress of our country by producing intellectual and social projects for the future. By encouraging the use of information resources has the power to represent in our world countries, competitive, capable of blending local and universal criteria besides mastery paradigm of thought, which has a say in the determination of cultural heritage and preservation, moral and protecting social values, respectful and active human rights in social relations, to replicate qualified individuals . While the world changes quickly understand scientific principles, highly motivated, with interpretation and criticism ability, proper analysis and events to educate students who have developed the synthesis skills.