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Bilgi Bankası - Destek Talebi

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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Faculty of Science

Quality Committee

Prof. Dr. Ümit İNCEKARA

The Dean

Assoc. Dr. Sibel TURANLI

The Vice Dean

Assoc. Dr. Yusuf AKBABA

The Vice Dean

Prof. Dr. Murat ÇAĞLAR

The Head of the Department of Mathemathics

Prof. Dr. Adem KARA

The Head of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic

Assoc.Dr. Abdulkerim KARABULUT

The Head of the Department of Fundamnetal Science

Res.See. Abdulmelik AYTATLI

Research Assistant Representative


Student Representative


Faculty Secretary

ETÜ Asistan Snow