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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

International Cooperations Office

Information on ETU

The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries designed to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher education qualifications. Turkey is currently one of the signatories and members of European Higher Education Area regarding to Bologna Process since 2001. As a very important issue of Bologna Process, ECTS makes teaching and learning more transparent and facilitates the recognition of studies. The system is used across Europe for credit transfer and credit accumulation. It also informs curriculum design and quality assurance. In Turkey, consideration of ECTS became compulsory by the change in Turkish Higher Education Law 2547 with Law 6111 on February 13, 2011. Within this context, Erzurum Technical University considers ECTS for all courses together with local credits.

Courses offered in Erzurum Technical University are designed in accordance with ECTS User's Guide in which ECTS is explained in detail. Please, click here to see the ECTS User's Guide.

ECTS and local credit of the courses offered in Erzurum Technical University can be evaluated on Course Catalogue website.

ETÜ Asistan Snow