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Bilgi Bankası - Destek Talebi

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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Department of Business Administration

Head of Department Message

The Department of Business Administration is a department that attracts great interest both in our country and globally, provides job opportunities in various fields, and trains future business managers. The aim of our department is to provide our students with the knowledge and contemporary and dynamic perspective required for business management, which is a universal science. While a planned, programmed and systematic education is provided with the Departments of Accounting and Finance, Management and Organization, Production Management and Marketing, Numerical Methods and Commercial Law within the Department of Business Administration, a perspective is provided for specialization, postgraduate education and career development in these Departments after graduation.        

Our department has a very special academic staff who are well-educated and equipped in our country, as well as educated in America, England and other developed countries of the world, and who have trained themselves according to the dynamic approaches of today's world. This staff works intensively to educate students with globally accepted values and to build their future on solid foundations.

Developments in the economy and business world on a global scale and in our country have made business education gain special importance. The economies of countries are based on businesses, and businesses continue their existence based on business managers who can adapt to change and manage change. 

 The Department of Business Administration aims to provide students with a management infrastructure suitable for the 4th Industrial Revolution by designing an academic program specific to future-oriented business needs and constantly updating its program with a focus on change, providing basic management and leadership qualities, creating a solid theoretical infrastructure with a strong academic staff, and focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to achieve this, in addition to providing students with a solid theoretical educational infrastructure, it also carries out practices such as graduation thesis and internships in the workplace to prepare them for academic and business life.

In our department, students are provided with the opportunity to grow up on a global scale and improve their foreign languages with English courses given in each of the 4 semesters of the 4-year education period. Thus, students are trained to be competent in the literature in the field of Business Administration.

          I conclude my words by expressing the slogan of our University, “Let's Shape the Future Together” and present my love and respect.



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emirhan KULA

                                                                                 Head of the Department of Business Administration

ETÜ Asistan Snow