Our faculty member from the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Lecturer Onur ÇAMLI, in which he took part as an advisor; the project numbered 7248041 titled "User Profiling and Paralinguistic Element Classification on Textual Data" has been awarded support by TÜBİTAK.
The aim of the project is to classify the personality, demographic and paralinguistic characteristics of users by classifying customer comments, to identify critical attributes and to contribute to the strategic planning of institutions by using this information. By segmenting users and classifying them according to demographic characteristics, companies will be able to understand the profile of their users. With the user profiling analyses to be developed, brands will be able to quickly understand the language and demographics of their customers. A major need in the market will be met with the highly innovative user segmentation. The project aims to automate current customer experience processes and quickly access meaningful information from big data.
We congratulate our teacher and the project team and wish them success.