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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Additional Applications for Foreign Students Started

Please click here for the additional applications of foreign students between 30 September-8 October 2023.

Click here to see the vacant quotas in faculties.


The following documents must be uploaded to the system by the students during the application. Applications of students who do not upload their documents to the system properly will not be evaluated.


Documents required during the application;

a) High School Diploma and Translation

b) Transcript and Translation

c) Exam Result Document/YOS Exam Result (Click here to get information about the international exams accepted by our university)

d) Scanned copies of Passport or National ID Card


Important Note: The results of the additional application will be published in the announcements section of the International Cooperations Office and ETU website on October 13, 2023.



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ETÜ Asistan Snow