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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

TUBITAK Decided to Support Our Project

The instructor from the Department of Mathematics Dr. Vehpi YILDIRIM's project titled "Investigation of the Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery on Metabolism with the Help of Mathematical Models" was decided to be supported by TUBITAK.

The main objective of the project is to examine the factors regulating lipoprotein metabolism in humans and the effects of gastric bypass surgery on lipoprotein metabolism with the help of physiology-based dynamic mathematical models to be developed using clinical data. One of the most effective treatment methods used in the fight against obesity, which is one of the biggest health problems of our age, is gastric bypass surgery. These operations, which are widely and successfully applied in our country, bring many metabolic improvements along with high-level weight loss in obese patients. After the operations, significant improvements in lipoprotein metabolism, insulin sensitivity, blood sugar, and plasma lipid values are observed in patients. Although all of these improvements are well known, the cause-and-effect relationship between them is not fully understood due to the complex nature of metabolism and the inadequacy of the research methods used. Our goal is to develop physiology-based mathematical models using data collected from patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery at the University of Amsterdam Medical Center and to examine these complex relationships with the help of these models.

We congratulate our teacher for his work.


ETÜ Asistan Snow