Organized by our faculty, "I. "Erzurum Science High Schools Symposium" was held with great participation and enthusiasm. The symposium was attended by Erzurum Technical University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan Elmalı, Erzurum Provincial Director of National Education Yakup Yıldız, Erzurum Technical University Faculty of Science Dean Prof. Dr. Ümit İncekara, District Directors of National Education, Principals of our City Science High School, academic staff, teachers and many students attended.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium, Prof. Dr. Ümit İnce Kara in his opening speech; “The purpose of this symposium is to create a bridge between high schools and universities and provide a platform to encourage mutual interaction. The main goal of this program, which takes place with the active participation of students, is to enable students to meet university life and gain information about universities. Following the results obtained this year, it is aimed to carry out more comprehensive studies at the regional level and to create a national institutional platform in the coming years.
Erzurum Provincial Director of National Education Yakup Yıldız said to the students in his motivational speech; “Never stop dreaming. "You will develop and build this country with your dreams." He offered a hopeful perspective for the future.
Erzurum Technical University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan Elmalı expressed her gratitude to the provincial and district national education directors for their support to the symposium and to everyone who contributed to the organization, and stated that the biggest thank you is to the students.
The 2-day symposium attracted great attention with over 400 registered participants. At the symposium, where more than 100 oral and 15 poster presentations were made, students had the opportunity to gain experience and exchange information.