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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Department of Mathematics faculty member Assoc. Dr. Harun SELVİTOPİ's HIGGS BOSON Book is Released. (29.11.2023)

Assoc. Prof., faculty member of the Mathematics Department of our faculty. Dr. Harun SELVİTOPİ's book "HIGGS BOSON" has been published.

In this book, Mr. SELVİTOPİ predicts that the Higgs boson is the particle that gives mass to matter in the standard model of particle physics, and the De Sitter metric defines the exponential expansion of the universe. Within the scope of this book, the basic numerical methods of numerical analysis for partial differential equations are presented and, among many examples, especially It is reported that numerical solutions are given for the Higgs boson equation modeled in Sitter space-time. In this context, it is declared that it is an important reference book for undergraduate and graduate students.

We congratulate our esteemed faculty member and wish him continued success.

Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
Book Name: Higgs Boson: A Mathematical Survey with Finite Element Method


ETÜ Asistan Snow