Within the scope of the Erasmus+ 2025 KA131 project, applications for internship mobility for the 2024-2025 summer term and for study mobility for the 2025-2026 fall term will be received as of 03/03/2025 and the last application date is 01.04.2025 (until 23:59).
The basic requirements for application are as follows:
- To be a full-time registered student at Erzurum Technical University
- To have a minimum CGPA of 2.20/4.00 for undergraduate and 2.50/4.00 for graduate
Application Method and Last Application Date: Applications will be received online via the Turkish National Agency Application Portal. The last application date is 01.04.2025 until 23:59. You can click here to apply.
Quota Information
Total quota for the 2024-2025 Summer Term Internship Mobility Activity: 6
Total quota for the 2025-2026 Fall Term Study Activity: 14
Process Schedule
March 3 – April 1, 2025: Receiving Applications Electronically (Applications will be received via the Turkish National Agency Application Portal. Click here to apply) (If the page that opens does not load, please refresh the page and then log in to the system with your E-Government password on the page that opens and make your application.)
April 2, 2025: Application Evaluation and Announcement of the List of Those Who Will Take the Foreign Language Exam
April 5, 2025: Foreign Language Exam (The type of exam (online/face-to-face) will be stated in the announcement when the exam lists are published. The exam place and time will be announced on the homepage of the School of Foreign Languages and the candidates will be informed in the announcement where the exam entry lists are announced). Click here to access the School of Languages homepage.)
April 7, 2025: Announcement of Foreign Language Exam Results
April 7 – 11, 2025: Objection to Foreign Language Exam Results
April 14, 2025: Announcement of Final Results
Evaluation Criteria
-To get at least 55 points from the Foreign Language Exam
-The final foreign language score is calculated by taking 80% of the Foreign Language Written Exam and 20% of the Oral Exam.
-The Success Ranking is created by taking 50% of the Foreign Language Final score and 50% of the GPA.
-The ranking is made by scoring, starting from the highest score obtained according to the quota allocated to the departments.
-The number of students who will participate in the activity with a grant, considering the total quota, will be determined by looking at the final success ranking of each department, and the specified total quota will be distributed equally to the departments.
-Students who are in the final ranking and meet the minimum score requirement are entitled to Erasmus+ Mobility.
-Students who are entitled to the activity with a grant are distributed to the departments according to the total grant amount allocated to our institution for the relevant project. Main and reserve candidates are determined for the activity with a grant. Candidates who meet the score requirement but do not qualify for the activity with a grant can participate in the activity without a grant.
The following items will also be taken into consideration in the evaluation criteria:
a) Disabled students (provided that it is documented): +10 points
b) Children of martyrs and veterans: +15 points
c) Previous use (for each mobility at the same level of education): -10 points
d) Participation in mobility in the country of citizenship: -10 points
e) Students for whom protection, care or shelter decisions have been made within the scope of the Social Services Law No. 2828 and the Child Protection Law No. 5395: +10 points
f) Applying for two types of mobility at the same time (reduction is applied to the mobility type preferred by the student): -10 points
g) Submitting an internship acceptance letter during the application for internship applications: +10 points
h) Those who receive disaster victim aid from AFAD themselves or their first-degree relatives (Do you or your first-degree relatives receive disaster victim aid from AFAD?): +10
ı) Double students studying in a major can only apply for mobility from one major in the same application period.
Important Reminder: The signature process of the annual contribution agreement signed between Turkey and the European Commission is ongoing. In this respect, the quotas determined for grant mobility within the scope of the 2025 agreement have been determined as an estimate in line with previous agreement periods and may change following the completion of the signature process. The European Commission, the Turkish National Agency and Erzurum Technical University cannot be held responsible for any delays that may occur in the official procedures regarding the contribution agreement or any subsequent changes in the grant amounts or quotas.
ETU Erasmus Institutional Coordination
444 5 388 / erasmus@erzurum.edu.tr