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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Applications for Staff Teaching Activities Started

Applications have started for the Staff Teaching Activity (Staff Teaching Mobility) within the scope of the Erasmus+ 2024-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000203202 Project. Trainings that meet the basic application requirements specified below must be made through the Turkish National Agency Application Interface until 23:59 on 14.03.2025. You can access the relevant page for the application by clicking here.

Academic Staff Teaching Activity Information Menu: For details on the Staff Teaching Mobility activity, the Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility menu on the homepage of the External Relations Coordinatorship should be examined. You can access the relevant page by clicking here.

Basic Application Condition: To be a staff member working at Erzurum Technical University and to be a staff member with a Course Load (actively holding a minimum Assistant Professorship title)

Evaluation Criteria: Click here to review the Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility (Staff Teaching Mobility) Evaluation Criteria.

Application Method: Applications will be made online through the Turkish National Agency Erasmus Applications portal. The announcement date of the evaluation results is 19.03.2025.

Önemli not: Hareketlilik faaliyetleri süresi minimum 3 gün ila maksimum 7 gün arasında planlanabilecektir. Ancak Hibelerin daha etkin kullanılabilmesi ve daha fazla personelimizin faaliyetlerden faydalandırılabilmesi adına faaliyetlerin hibelendirilmesi 4 gün Günlük Hibe + Seyahat Ödemesi şeklinde yapılacaktır. Örneğin faaliyetin süresi toplamda 7 gün olsa bile bu 7 günün 4 günü Günlük Hibe Desteği ve ilaveten Seyahat Masrafı yapılacak şekilde hesaplanacaktır.  Personellerin hareketlilik faaliyetlerini en geç 31.08.2025 tarihine kadar tamamlamaları gerekmektedir. 


ETÜ Asistan Snow