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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Final Results for Erasmus Students Applications

Applications received for Education and Internship Mobility within the scope of Erasmus+ 2023 and 2024 Projects have been evaluated and the final results can be accessed from the Turkish National Agency Erasmus Application portal. Thus, the student selection process for the education and internship activity for the relevant project has been completed. You can click here to access the portal where you can see the results.

Important note: Our students who are entitled to participate in the education mobility activity as a result of the evaluations must contact their department coordinators and initiate the nomination process (notification process to the host universities) without delay. You can find out your department coordinators by clicking here.

Candidates who are eligible for the internship activity do not need to go through a nomination process (notification process). Instead, they must submit the Acceptance/Invitation Documents received from the place of internship to the Foreign Relations Office by 31.05.2024. Students who submit their Internship Acceptance Certificate during the application are recommended to start the activity document process.

In addition, an online information/orientation meeting will be held via our University's Blackboard system on Thursday, 02.05.2024 at 15:00 for all candidates who are eligible to participate in the education and internship activity, regarding what should be done in the ongoing process. The meeting participation link will be announced on the Foreign Relations homepage on the day of the meeting. Students who are eligible to continue the process but do not attend the meeting without an excuse will receive -10 points for their applications in the following semesters.

Students who wish to waive their rights must fill out the Waiver Petition and send it to the Foreign Relations Office via e-mail by 10.05.2024. Click here to download the Waiver Petition.

Important Reminder: The signing process of the annual contribution agreement signed between Türkiye and the European Commission continues. In this respect, the funded mobilities announced within the scope of the 2024 contract have been determined as an estimate in line with the previous contract periods and may change following the completion of the signature process. The European Commission, Turkish National Agency and Erzurum Technical University cannot be held responsible for any delays that may occur in the official procedures regarding the contribution agreement or any subsequent changes in the grant amounts.

ETÜ Erasmus Institutional Coordination Office

444 5 388 /


ETÜ Asistan Snow