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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Applications for Staff Training Mobility in Priority Areas under the Erasmus+ 2023-1-TR01-KA171-HED-000167431 Project

Within the scope of our University's Erasmus+ Project number 2023-1-TR01-KA171-HED-000167431, applications have started for Staff Training Mobility in the prioritized areas specified below. The staff quota that can participate in the mobility activity, faculty/department information and project partner institution information are as follows:

Institution name, country and program information where the activity will be carried out:

1- Duquesne University (United States of America - 12th Group Program Country)

Faculty/department information of faculty members who can apply for the activity:

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - 1 Faculty Member

Institution name, country and program information where the activity will be carried out:

2- Texas Health and Science University (United States of America 12th Group Program Country)

Faculty/department information of faculty members who can apply for the activity:

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Units, Department of Business Administration - 1 Faculty Member

Mobility Grant Information

Grant support will be provided to the personnel who will participate in the activity in accordance with the provisions of the Erasmus+ KA171 2023 Implementation Handbook for the determined part of the period they will be in the host institution during their activities. The table below shows the grant amounts according to the country of destination. The activities to be carried out within the scope of this application will be granted as 4-day activity daily and travel grant. If the academic staff performs more activities than the specified number of activity days, the extra calculated days will not be granted. (For example, even if the staff wants to participate in the activity for 7 days of activity and 2 days of travel, the grant will be made as stated above (4 Days + Travel Grant).)

The daily amount to be given to the staff who will benefit from staff mobility is calculated by taking into account the amounts specified in the table below according to the country of destination and the duration of the visit. The amounts shown in the table are in Euros.

Sending Country Receiving Country Daily grant amounts (Euro)

Turkey Third Countries in Regions 1-12 Not Related to the Program: 180 Euros

Travel Support

The travel expense amount should be calculated using the “Distance Calculator”. The distance calculator can be accessed from the following link: The travel support amounts specified in the 2023 Handbook according to the distance calculated in the relevant link are given in the table below.

The final application evaluation results will be announced at the end of business hours on 07.02.2025.

ETU External Relations Coordination Office


ETÜ Asistan Snow