Our University's 2024 Academic and Administrative Staff award ceremony was held on 05 June 2024.
Our Faculty's Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics was named the Department of the Year at the ceremony .
The Department of the Year was the Department of Mathematics .
Science Award in our Faculty goes to Prof. Dr. To Murat ÇAĞLAR
Publication Award Prof. Dr. To Murat ÇAĞLAR
Project Award Dr. Lecturer To member Gözde Büşra EROĞLU
Atı Award Assoc. Prof. Dr. To Abdulkerim KARABULUT
Publication Award in the Journal with the Highest Impact Factor Assoc. Prof. Dr. To Murat AYDEMİR
Young Researcher Award Res. See. Dr. To Ayşe Gül KASAPOĞLU
Educator of the Year Award, Dr. Lecturer It was given to its member Muhammed YİĞİDER.
We congratulate our academics and wish them continued success.