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Destek Sayfası

Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

2024-2025 Academic Year Orientation Programme Was Organised.

For our students who registered to our Faculty in the 2024-2025 Academic Year, an "Orientation Program" was held on September 26, 2024 between 13:30 and 15:00 in our Faculty Conference Hall with the participation of our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan ELMALI, Dean Prof. Dr. Ümit İNCEKARA, Vice Deans, department heads, faculty members, advisors and students. 

Following the opening speech of our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ümit İNCEKARA, which included information about the vision, mission and goals of our Faculty, our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan ELMALI conveyed the greetings of our Rector and gave speeches containing suggestions and recommendations to develop the visions of our students regarding their future plans, and wished our students success in the new academic year with the slogan "Let's Shape the Future Together".

The program was attended by department heads and responsible academic and administrative staff who provided information to our new students about the introduction of departments, student rights, use of student information system, our University's undergraduate education-training exam legislation, distance education processes, student exchange programs, digital transformation office, student clubs, program accreditation, library services, Health Culture Sports Department activities, occupational health and safety, and introduction of the Foreign Languages School Language Club. 


ETÜ Asistan Snow